zaterdag 4 september 2004

Mark - municipal art acquisitions

The Municipal Art Acquisitions occur yearly, with a focus on one art discipline at a time. The Stedelijk Museum is responsible for collecting and selecting works with the help of an external jury. In the catalogue for the 'Municipal Art Acquisitions, Graphic Design 2003-2004' all 84 entries were placed. The 64 entries that weren't selected for the acquisitions were punched out of the catalogue, leaving a frame for the ones that were selected.

- commisioned by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
- with thanks to Michiel Schuurman
- type Granjon
- printed by Calff&Meischke
- binding by Van Lith, Amsterdam
- The Mark-Catalogue won the Dutch prize for Most beautiful book 2004 in 2005.
- ISBN 90-5006-167-2 / sold out